Silpa Shetty is now planning to launch a new video on lifestyle. The videos are planned to be shot at the backwaters of Kerala, and to be finished in two weeks. It will be directed by Manish Jha . Arghya Lahiri is writing the script and the cinematography will be done by Jamie Sowlds.
The DVD video will consist of Yoga, fitness and lifestyle. It will also contain Ashtanga Yoga, breathing techniques, food management, and guidance to maitain slim waist.
Silpa shetty herself is a Yoga practitioner and she learned it from Yoga Gurus Shiv Kumar Mishra and Vinayak Dixit.
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The DVD video will consist of Yoga, fitness and lifestyle. It will also contain Ashtanga Yoga, breathing techniques, food management, and guidance to maitain slim waist.
Silpa shetty herself is a Yoga practitioner and she learned it from Yoga Gurus Shiv Kumar Mishra and Vinayak Dixit.
See also Richard gere kissing Silpa Shetty